Our Vision
To identify, understand, and create opportunities for improved quality of life for adults as they age.
Our Mission
Empower all people with quality of life as they age.
Our Values
Ensuring that members can participate and benefit from the many services by providing opportunities for all members to reach their potential and contribute their skills and talents to the Center.
Assisting older adults to remain independent by working with families, volunteers, and community partners by building strong bonds through shared objectives.
Embracing differences in skills, knowledge, cultural heritage, ethnicity, and gender orientation of older adults and their families.
Offering individuals a sense of belonging, identity, and support by recognizing, respecting, embracing, celebrating, and valuing the unique abilities, perspectives, and experiences that each individual brings.
Committed to Life-Long Learning that encourages growth, engagement, and innovation among its members.
Demonstrating understanding and empathy with the unique needs of our members by providing programs, activities, and services dedicated to ensuring satisfaction and building lasting relationships by extending a helping hand.